"Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter." --Izaak Walton
Leverage the power of community and expert guidance from a certified success coach to turn your job search into a streamlined, confident process.
Get real-time feedback and personalized support on every aspect of your job search—from uncovering leads and networking to perfecting your resume and negotiation.
I could go on and on about job search struggles—because let’s be real, you can’t scroll LinkedIn without seeing another horror story. And I’m not here to sugarcoat it. The average job search takes 5-6 months.
But here’s the good news: research shows that “job search clubs” like The Career Collective have success rates up to 4 times higher. Why? Because working together means more feedback, more connections, and more accountability—all of which fast-track your success.
So, let me ask you this... Are you ready to take charge of your job search and land a role with more confidence and ease?
Yes? I thought so. Let’s make it happen—together!
Job searching doesn’t have to be lonely. Inside The Career Collective, you’ll find a community of like-minded professionals who understand the ups and downs of the process. From sharing advice to celebrating wins, you’ll have a support system that keeps you motivated every step of the way.
Get the clarity you’ve been craving. Whether it’s your resume, LinkedIn profile, or interview responses, real-time feedback from both peers and an expert coach means you can stop second-guessing and start showing up as the best version of yourself.
When you know you’ve got the tools, guidance, and support to succeed, confidence becomes second nature. With The Career Collective, you’ll walk into every application, connection, and interview knowing you’re prepared—and ready to land the role you deserve.
Join live weekly sessions on Wednesdays at 5 PM EST where you’ll get personalized advice, real-time feedback, and actionable strategies to move your job search forward.
Stay connected, ask questions, and share updates with a supportive community in between coaching calls.
Access my comprehensive step-by-step video tutorial with slides, ChatGPT prompts, and a done-for-you template in both Word and Google formats to craft a standout resume.
Get 1:1 support at a reduced rate for those moments when you need extra, tailored guidance.
Never miss a beat with full access to session replays and transcripts so you can review at your convenience.
The Career Collective is kicking off its beta launch this February with weekly group calls every Wednesday evening at 5 PM. Can’t make it live? No problem—every session is recorded and transcribed, so you’ll never miss a moment.
Join now for an introductory beta price of just $97/month, and if you choose to continue after February, you’ll lock in this exclusive rate for as long as you stay. Cancel anytime—no strings attached.